- When registering on the Site, the Client provides the following information: Name, Last Name, email address, telephone number and address for delivery of the Goods. The Seller has the right to use this information to fulfill its obligations to the Client.
- By submitting his personal data when registering on the site, the Client agrees to their processing by the Seller, including in order to promote goods and services by the Seller.
- If the Client does not want his personal data to be processed, he should contact the Seller’s Client Relationship Service by sending an email to studio@timtosh.com In this case, all information received from the Client (including username and password) Removed from the customer base of the Seller and the Customer will not have access to the Site and the ability to place orders.
- The Seller undertakes to keep secret the information received from the Client and not to disclose the Client’s data to third parties, except in cases of fulfillment of obligations to his Client for the delivery of the Goods.
- The seller is not responsible for the information provided by the Customer on the site in public form in reviews of the goods, etc.
- Transferring my personal data to the server, I agree to their subsequent processing and storage by the site in accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation N152-FZ “On Personal Data”
all rights reserved
Юридический адрес: Москва, улица Павла Корчагина 13-219
телефон: 89032312049
почта: stroganova.e@mail.ru